So, I spent most of race day staring out the window at the pouring rain and wild wind. Not relishing the fact that I would be out in it later in the afternoon. Sure was glad I didn’t sign up for the Spring Hill RR. Headed out around 3:20pm or so. Wind was howling and the rain was coming down in sheets. Then halfway across the bridge the rain stopped. The darkest clouds were behind me but, the weather still looked quite unsettled where I was headed.
Pulled into the parking lot and still not raining. Walked over to registration and got my number. On the way back I met up with Jorge and Erik. Got kitted up quickly and Jorge and I did a little warm up on our trainers while Erik did circles in the parking lot. Hit the portpapottie then went out and did a quick recon of the course. Nice course but a little bumpy. They ran it Nascar style.. counter clockwise. From the S/F line it goes: short straight, 90 deg left hander, really short straight, 90 deg left, loonnggg back straight (tail wind), 90 deg left, short straight 90 deg left hand sweeper, short straight (headwind), L/R chicane, straight back to the S/F line. Pavement has seen better days but not really that bad (looks nasty). Course drained well and not much road grit so the wet roads didn’t pose much of a problem.
About half of the registered racers actually showed up to race. So we had just over 50 dudes lined up. Whistle blows and I can’t clip in to save my life. Finally get hooked up but now I’m tail gunning it. Not good. Moved up a bit but still in the back third of the group for a lap or so. The promoters made this race a prime fest. It seemed the first 10 laps or so were all prime laps that went 2 or 3 deep. This kept the race fast and hence safe. The boys were all very cordial with the road being wet and all. The quick pace made sitting at the back really suck. So after the first prime lap I moved up. Well a little to far. Found myself at the sharp end heading into the wind. Backed off and tried to sit between 5th and 10th wheel. Worked well being there had good lines through the turns with minimal braking. After the flurry of primes we cross the S/F line a little mellower. As we enter turn one a group of six or seven drills it and opens a gap. Don’t think they will stay away but you never know. So I jump and bridge up to them. A quick glance under my arm and I realize I brought 40 of my closest freinds with me. Well so much for that. About 5 to go or so Erik rolls up to me and says hi. We are sitting in the top 20 or so just biding our time. Up to this point we the rain had held back. Then just after we see the 4 to go card the sky opens up. It’s just pouring. Still having fun but thoughts go from tactics to staying upright. As in any race people get annimated at the end. On the bell lap I find myself midpack. Obviously not the ideal situation. Turns 1,2 and 3 all go smoothly. As we approach the chicane for the last time things are a bit hairy. Ideally you want to go through there single file or at most 3 or 4 wide. Well we went through about 6 wide. Add my foggy glasses to that equation and you get an interesting situation. It went OK and nobody went down. As we exit the chicane I spot Erik on my left so I grab his wheel as he tries to spool up for the sprint. We are probably midpack. Unfortunately he’s boxed in and as a result so am I. As the sprint opens up we are stuck behind some slow movers and I’m thinking OK I’ll finish upright at least. A small seam opens up on the right and I jump. I’m along way from the front but go hard and end up finishing 13th. 10 more yards and I would have been looking at a top 5. All in all it was a real fun race, even with the rain. Wind wasn’t much of a factor and the course held up nicely in the downpour.
Well said Mike… This ride was the safest crit to date for me people really held their lines in the corner. I think I only heard 2 “hey’s” all race long. I fell just short of getting the 3rd lap prime, but happy to stay upright.
Erik Camacho