Saturday January 1st Hill climbing Intervals
8:30 SHARP 70 miles F-4/5
Race Team Ride – Tour of the Dead End Canyons
We are going to try this one again, it was rained out at the beginning of the team rides season. If you have been putting off going on team rides because they have been starting beyond Niles or are going too far, this is a good ride for you to join in on. The furthest we will be away from Niles is about 15 miles.
An exploration of roads in the Castro Valley Area, little used
coz they don’t go anywhere, except UP.
Total climbing for the day will be approx. 4500 ft.
All race team members are requested to wear their
team uniform. Rain will stop play. Regroups as required.
Start from Niles Parking Lot on Niles Boulevard, Cross Street is ‘H’ Street
Garry Birch – (925) 556-1564 or (925) 819-0247