Calaveras TT results – Sunday December 4th, 2011

posted in: Time Trial, Training | 2

A most excellent morning. Not a breath of wind, but on the chilly side, even though the sun was shining. All ion all, what you would want a typical December morning to look like.

Both Bill and Bas where on full TT rigs, Bill was riding the Team’s Leopard. Chris M was on aero bars

We had some guests as well riding, which added some nice flavor to the morning.

And i would like to really thank the Krush, aka Keith Kruse, who drove out from Milpitas to act as the turn marsahal and who brought back all the course marking. Thanks Keith, you rock.

Rajeev Shankur **            34:33

Ram Menos**                    33:07

Jason Sage                      32:58

Vanessa McDonnell      34:33

Antonio & Matteo*         47:35 (Stefano’s children, who are probably somewhere between 9 and 11 years old raced a two person TT)

Trish Benson**                 36:33

Rich Beeler*                 27:36

Bob Fusco*                   28:34

Mike Baxter                  31:39

Mike Zuerlein              27:37

Bas Sopora                   29:05

West Kurihara             28:02

Stefano*                          26:55

Thomas Duncan          30:38

Brandon Chen**              30:42

John Lem**                      26:50

Chris Menicou             26:19

Bill Brier                       26:10

Bill Brier 2nd ride       26:06

* indicates guest ride by IC3 member

** indicates first ever TT race.

2 Responses

  1. Mike Zuerlein


    Once again, thanks for all the hard work that you put into this and into the team in general.

    I had a blast. Haven’t worked that hard since Tough Mudder last September. To be honest, other than the ice water baths, this hurt a lot more.
